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Thursday 19 September 2013

Dear Friends!

It’s good that we take a summer vacation to relax and enjoy time with our families and friends. I hope that, with God’s blessings and grace, you had a safe and restful journey, and are refreshed to begin a new season with us in our parish.
Can we take a holiday from our spiritual activities? No. Our lives are spiritual journeys, and we can never rest in our search for God and for the path that he has chosen for us. No matter where we travel, no matter where we go, we must thank and praise God. Ever mindful of God, we must try to follow the words of our Lord Jesus, “that men always ought to pray and not lose heart (Luke 18:1–8),” and of St. Paul, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).” Practicing ceaseless prayer, our souls will always be fulfilled.
In September, we begin a new parish year. Families will have returned from their vacations, new families will have come into our midst, and children will have returned to school. Parents and families will be adjusting to new circumstances, and some will have to adjust to new homes and customs, adapting to our Danish society and language. I look forward to the new year with you: new families, new challenges, and new experiences.
I am very grateful to the many parishioners who volunteer their time and services in so many ways. If there is an area in which you would like to help, or an area where I or the parish can assist you, please let me know. I hope that this will be a good church year for us all, a time during which we come closer to God and to one another.
On 1 August, Vor Frue Kirke will receive a new parish priest. Fr. Leo Kertz, omi, who has been the parish priest for the past 15 years, will retire, and Fr. Allan Courteau, omi, will assume these responsibilities. He will be installed officially on 11 August by Bishop Kozon.
It is with pleasure that we welcome Fr. Allan to our parish. He has been the parish priest at Sankt Knud Lavard Kirke in Lyngby for many years, loved by the parishioners for his hard work and simplicity. We welcome him warmly to our parish and community.Fr. Leo has truly been a beloved pastor. His dedication and love for all have been recognized again and again. His caring and sharing with all who have come to church and to our mission house are well known. He always has a welcome smile for everyone. I truly admire his commitment and dedication. Thank you, dear Fr. Leo, for your service. You will always remain in our thoughts and prayers.
I also must thank Fr. Michael Bradley, omi, for his dedication and support. Although he is retired, he keeps himself busy with scheduled Masses and visits to the sick and elderly. I am always amazed at his energy. He is a real example for all of us, and he is truly the “father figure” in our midst. We pray that God may give him good health, so that he may continue to serve our church for many years to come.
For me, this is a privileged time. I feel honored to be called on to offer the Sacraments of the Church to our congregation. As I come to know you and spend my life with you, I am conscious of each of you at Mass. I look forward to a new year with you, because it is always like a new beginning.
May you have a very good year and enjoy each day in it. God bless you all.
–Fredrick Anton Thevaraj, omi

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